Enrich Learning Trust

Governor Recruitment 

Governor Recruitment to Local Governing Boards

Enrich Learning Trust is seeking to appoint new Governors to the Local Governing Boards.

The Trust is a collaborative family of schools and has a relentless drive to challenge, develop and innovate to ensure that each school’s provision enables young people to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.  We are recruiting potential Governors who have the philosophy, time and commitment to help us on our journey.

Being a Governor is a challenging but hugely rewarding role and it will give you the chance to make a real difference to young people, give something back to your local community and use and develop your skills in a board-level environment.

Do you have the skills and commitment to help develop our future generations?

The Trust’s Philosophy

Whilst the Trustees are ultimately responsible for the Trust, they firmly believe that local schools need Local Governing Boards to support and act as the ‘critical friends’ to the lead professionals running the day-to-day operation of the school.  To this end, Local Governing Boards have a large degree of autonomy and flexibility in their decision making, based around the collective philosophy of the Trust.

More details on the Trust can be found on this website and local school websites are the best source of information about individual schools.

Trust Structure

Role of the Trust Board

The Trust Board is responsible for the strategic direction, broad policy framework and oversight of the Trust and all its schools.  They take decisions that are in the best interests of the Trust as a whole and are not representative of any one of the constituent schools. The Trustees are also Directors of the Trust which is a company limited by guarantee and registered as such at Companies House.  The Trust Board must act as a group and not as individuals.

Role of the Local Governing Board

The Local Governing Board is responsible for making ‘day to day’ decisions on the operation of the school, by way of powers delegated to it by the Trustees in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation.

The Local Governing Board Terms of Reference are set by the Trust Board in discussion with schools joining the Trust to ensure an appropriate balance between accountability and autonomy to enable the Local Governing Board to effectively support the operation of the school.


Each school is unique and its Local Governing Board operates in its chosen style but broadly the time commitment is to:

  • An orientation session with the Chair of Governors and Headteacher prior to the first Local Governing Board meeting.
  • Six Full Board meetings per year (one per half term), usually in the evening.
  • Time to monitor the school and support with other Local Governing Board requirements, when needed and opportunities arise.
  • Governors are invited to the Trust’s Annual General Meeting and Celebration Evening.


If you would like to discuss the role in more detail, please contact the Executive Governance Coordinator on 01953 686608 or by email at [email protected]

To apply, please complete the application form and return to the Executive Governance Coordinator.

Governor Role Description

Governor Application Form